Our mission is to create awareness and inspire curiosity through educational content in science, technology, engineering, math (STEM), and highlighting the notable achievements of women throughout history.

We seek to redefine what it means to be HOT and change society’s definition of femininity and normative gender roles. We want to create a space where future generations are inspired to discover the hotness within themselves.

Vanessa Morro

Vanessa is a classically trained vocalist with a degree in Political Science. After college, she shifted gears toward a career in the hospitality industry, specializing in event production and travel management. To excite her curious mind, Vanessa strives to explore new places and cultures through food, nature and the arts.

Still active in her music community, Vanessa is a founding member of BVS Women’s Choir, where she also serves as Board Secretary. In 2018, she became the Director of Events for Reveal Beauty, a volunteer run organization that supports female survivors of domestic violence and sex trafficking through self-empowerment and celebration. She is extremely grateful and proud to be part of organizations that empower women and to carry on these values with Hot Girls Know.

Dana Robinson

Dana has over ten plus years of experience working in both the nonprofit and private sectors, primarily in volunteer coordination and program management roles. In her work, she is passionate about improving systems by expanding technology and creating inclusive environments.  Dana is an endless connoisseur of trivia, explorer of the great outdoors, and always searching for the best place to get a perfect Manhattan in her spare time. 

Dana is passionate about exploring women’s accomplishments, past and present, and is thrilled to be taking this journey with Hot Girls Know.

Lydia Casparie

Lydia has been immersed in the world of cheese for the past 12 years. Beginning as a cheesemonger, she currently runs the education program for a farm and dairy in Connecticut. She is cheese obsessed and loves all things food. 

With a background in the arts, it is only recently that she has found a passion in learning more about topics in STEM and believes it is never too late to expand your knowledge of the universe. 

Want to work with us?

  • February 20, 2020

    After seeing a Madea at BAM, Dana & Vanessa decide to have a nightcap where they discuss simple ways to quantify and visualize what a million dollars equates to.

  • February 23, 2020

    Dana & Vanessa have a call about using math to discuss political topics, i.e. voting percentages, via podcast but agree it’s going to be a lot of research and work for just the two of them.

  • March 14, 2020

    While visiting Lydia at her home in Connecticut, Vanessa casually brings up the idea to Lydia who is immediately on board, ready to buy 15 domain names to get started! Together, they quickly call Dana, and the three of them decide to go for it. Hot Girls Know is born!

  • April 5, 2020

    Begin weekly calls to discuss our mission, core values, business plan, content creation, and launching.

  • October 16, 2020

    Website and social media launch!